Hi, Iā€™m Lauren

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Burnout: Life and Velvet

Burnout: Life and Velvet

Nordstrom Blouse | American Eagle Skirt | Hush Puppies Suede Boots | Kendra Scott Earrings and Bracelet | OPI We The Female Nail Polish

If you want my fashion fluff, keep on reading - if you want deeper thoughts, keep on scrolling ;)

I wore this outfit on Thanksgiving, while Nick and I were in Sacramento visiting his parents! I wanted to pair the hues of fall together perfectly, whilst bringing a different, yet trendy twist. Velvet is definitely "in" right now. I actually mentioned it in my "trends that I'm not partaking in in this fall" post, but that was mainly in regard to obnoxious colors and/or crushed velvet. 

I actually love velvet. I mentioned in this instagram post that the dress I had on was 10 years old! TEN. Now, it was a classic, black look, but that doesn't mean I'm against trendy velvet...I just want to see it in a new light. That's why I purchased this skirt! It is probably sold out by now, since it was on sale for only $25 for Black Friday, but you already knew that if you followed my grams about it ;) Anyway, back to what I was saying...I think I have an aversion to something I've worn before that is super trendy. Now, I've never worn crushed velvet before (that I can recall), but I did wear it in gymnastics, so why would I want to wear it out in actual public places?! Beats me. I like fresh ideas, like printed, embroidered, and especially burnout velvet.

I've said it before, but I ADORE texture in outfits. It is an easy way to add edge or oomph to any look! Burnout velvet does just that! This is actually an update to 2 trends, which makes me like it even more! Remember when burnout tees were a thing? YUCK. I know there are some people who still like them, but I can't stand them, mainly because it requires layering, which I don't really like doing in the summer. Texas is hot, I don't need another layer! Now burnout velvet is a different story. If you're like "um, Lauren, what the heck is burnout velvet", let me tell you. It's where a clothing manufacturer will literally burn pieces of the fabric, but not all the way through, either in a specific pattern or at random. When this is done in velvet, it leaves some parts raised and some bare, aka super cool. Want a visual picture? Here's some of my favorite velvet burnout right now:

I'm actually wearing burnout velvet to my Cowboys Christmas party tonight, and can't wait! Follow me on instagram for a peek at my look! Have you worn burnout velvet? What do you think?

Okay, now let's transition into  a life update. No, I'm not burned out on life, but I'm pretty stressed. Between my full time job that is in busy season right now, on top of a huge winning streak, my other full time job where I blog 4-5 times a week and instagram on the regular, I don't have much time for home and/or social life. Now, I'm not complaining - just keeping it real! Every day, I give thanks for my job and the opportunities that I have. 

Now that above is good enough to keep me busy, but on top of that, I just got married! Nick and I didn't live together before we were married, so while he is currently moved in, he isn't really moved in, if you catch my drift. We have stuff EVERYWHERE. I can't even use my garage, because of all of our belongings that need situating. Our laundry from the honeymoon is clean, but we still have yet to put it up (and any laundry after that), so we are living from our "clothes couch". If our floor doesn't have clothes, shoes, or boxes, then it has wedding gifts, that we STILL need to go through. In fact, I'm not sure we'll be able to decorate for Christmas this year, because I don't know where we will put anything else! I haven't worked out since my wedding (over a month) and I haven't meal prepped since the beginning of October. I haven't gotten one blog post out on time in the last 3 weeks and can't find time to sort through my never ending SES email inbox. What has my life turned into?!

Did that make you tired just reading it? I swear I'm not using this as a platform to whine, just putting it out there that I don't have it all together. Instagram, and even snapchat sometimes can make it seem like everything is picture perfect. If you know me personally, or have even just been reading my blog for a while, then you know that I like to have a plan and I like to have things in order. The fact that my apartment isn't really live-able right now drives me NUTS, but you know what? I have an apartment and it has heat and running water and I think I'll be just fine. Nick is super helpful with keeping me more down to earth. Yeah, we may not be able to host a Christmas party this year, but we have a place to stay and the remnants of things on the floor represent the new stage of our lives! I think I've cried to Nick multiple times about how I wish I could spend a Sunday night relaxing and having fun like "everyone else". This Sunday night we propped up his iPad (our TV isn't installed yet) and watched Elf, while I finished our wedding thank you notes (still hadn't sent them yet) and addressed our Christmas cards. It may not have been the picture perfect fire blazing, cozied up night, but it was my night AND I got 2 of the biggest things checked off of my list, with the guy I love. 

So what's my point? It's okay to not have pinterest worthy Christmas decor. It's okay to stress this time of year, but don't let it take hold of you. Make sure to have a support system, because even though you know it, it is hard to remember some times that it is okay to not have it all together. Don't sacrifice time with loved ones just to check off a measly to-do list. It can wait. Be kinder than necessary to everyone you meet. Be quick to listen and slow to speak. Share the grace and love of the Christmas season in your words and actions. This is what I'm trying to do and I hope you'll join me. If it means that I skip a blog post, so be it.  Enjoy this season and what it brings while you can, because 2017 is just around the corner! As always, thanks for reading.

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